A Short Story of X-Cloud Days

An essential part of Xfive’s heritage is an ethos of working remotely. Although we’re the first and sole sibling within the whole family that set a physical office, half of our almost 60-person team is distributed around the world.

Remote work has tens of well-known and appreciated advantages by every person in the IT industry. But let’s be honest, it’s always better to work with a friend rather than with a guy or girl that you only see during the calls and know their name from CC-ed emails.

And there’s no better way to set new friendships than hanging around, playing, and learning together. That’s why, here at Xfive, we’re inviting our remote employees to the Krakow’s office each year to spend some time and, instead of attending webinars, learn something new from web gurus who come here to run workshops.

The person behind the whole concept is Artur Kot, our senior front-end developer who not only brings his expertise to clients’ projects but coordinates whole “X-Cloud,” a network of talents who work for Xfive from several locations.

From ITCSS to Accessibility

A few years ago, in late 2016, he’d initiated a workshop focused on the then trending topic of ITCSS. It was so well received that it lead to inviting a “Wizard” of CSS, Harry Roberts, in the summer of 2017.

We’ve always been performance-focused freaks, but that meeting with a bespoke authority helped us a lot with moving our projects to the next level.

But we always want more, and we’re growing both as a company and as individuals. We’re developing the skills; we’re producing bigger, longer, and more complex projects.

With the focus on applications and e-commerce solutions in 2018, we’ve decided to invite Michal Bentkowski, a consultant and penetration tester working for Securitum.pl and Sekurak.pl. He helped us with incorporating best practices regarding the security in the projects delivered by Xfive.

And here comes the 2019 event. The 4th “X-Cloud Days,” or rather “Xfive Days,” because it’s the meeting for the whole company, not only for our remote developers. The central theme of this year’s workshop will be Accessibility.

Learn and have fun

For years Xfive’s key theme has been care; about the quality, about the performance, about the clients. But first of all, about the people. That’s why a better understanding of users with special needs is something we’d like to learn about and focus on.

So that you can expect an even better quality of the projects Xfive delivers. Not only thanks to the knowledge we regularly soak up. We’re also going to have some fun together as well to start a new year with fresh minds, and nothing helps more for the intellectual work than some chilling from time to time.

Xfive Days 2019 are scheduled in Krakow, Poland for 25-26 November 2019.

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