Privacy Policy Pty Ltd is an Australian registered company. We are committed to protecting the privacy of those who visit the Xfive Website and/or use the Xfive Service.

Amendments to this statement will be posted to this URL and will be effective when posted. Your continued use of this site following the posting of any amendment, modification, or change shall constitute your acceptance of the amendment.

Information We Collect

When you visit you provide us with two types of information: personal information that you knowingly choose to disclose and Website use information collected by us as you interact with our Website.

Submitting a form

When you submit a form, you choose to provide us with two types of information: personal information and information about your project. You provide us with certain personal information, such as your name and email address. At this time, the most information you would be required to submit is your name, email address, and project description.

Browsing the site

When you visit, we collect anonymized information about website usage using Plausible analytics. Plausible is a privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative, and it collects website usage information without collecting any personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), without using cookies, and while respecting the privacy of our website visitors.

Lead Forensics

We also identify our B2B website visitors using Lead Forensics software. It only identifies companies using IP reverse search against the database. Personal data or PII cannot be obtained this way.

We use the basic version of the tool that sets one cookie _lfuuid, that anonymously tracks visitors’ behavior on the website (for example, page visits). We do not connect this information with the identity the user discloses when they submit a form.


We also use Mouseflow: a website analytics tool that provides session replay, heatmaps, funnels, form analytics, feedback surveys, and similar features/functionality. Mouseflow may record your clicks, mouse movements, scrolling, form fills (keystrokes) in non-excluded fields, pages visited and content, time on site, browser, operating system, device type (desktop/tablet/phone), screen resolution, visitor type (first time/returning), referrer, anonymized IP address, location (city/country), language, and similar meta data. Mouseflow does not collect any information on pages where it is not installed, nor does it track or collect information outside your web browser. If you’d like to opt-out, you can do so at Mouseflow opt-out. If you’d like to obtain a copy of your data, make a correction, or have it erased, please contact us first or, as a secondary option, contact Mouseflow at

For more information, see Mouseflow’s Privacy Policy.

For more information on Mouseflow and GDPR, visit Mouseflow’s GDPR.

For more information on Mouseflow and CCPA/VCDPA visit Mouseflow’s CCPA/VCDPA.

How We Use and Disclose Information

Submitting a form

When submitting a project via one of our forms, your project information is sent out to the core Xfive team. To be part of the core Xfive team, employees have been working for Xfive for over two years and are all committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. We use the project information to carry out the project for you, to bill you for services provided, and to contact you about your project when necessary. We will not disclose any information about your project to anyone outside Xfive without your explicit, written consent. We will not display your project in our portfolio without your consent.

Browsing the site

The anonymized browsing information that we collect is used to improve the quality of the Xfive website and Services, as well as for statistics and research. This information will not be sold to or shared with other companies or organizations for commercial purposes.

Information about B2B website visitors collected by Lead Forensics can also be used to improve our offer or to reach out to companies that might potentially benefit from our services.

Our website aims to be cookieless – it doesn’t set any cookies, with the exception Lead Forensics cookie _lfuuid as described above and the following functional cookies by Mouseflow:

  • mf_[website-id] – 1st party cookie, session lifetime: A cookie for identifying the current session on a website)
  • mf_user – 1st party cookie, persistent: A cookie for checking if the user is new or returning)

Security and Storage

The Xfive website and Service have industry-standard security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. While there is no such thing as “perfect security” on the internet, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of your information. Additionally, you retain all rights of ownership to the data you have stored with the Xfive Service. We will not sell or share this data with any third parties or use this data to compete with you or advertise to your clients. Your privacy and the privacy of your clients are of utmost importance to us.

Contacting Xfive

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of this Website, you can at