An intuitive site for a life insurance broker
Life Insurance Canada
Design and development of a WordPress website for a Canadian life insurance broker.
Product type
Easier and faster application process for the clients
One of Canada’s leading Life Insurance brokers. Life Insurance Canada has provided advice, resources, and online quoting for over 15 years.
The website is one of the first life insurance platforms in Canada. The redesign process and quote wizard introduction made the application process easier and faster for the clients. On the administration side, it saves both time and human resources.
Integration with COMPULIFE, DocuSign, Infusionsoft, and G Suite
Xfive essentially built an entire WordPress website from start to finish, beginning with the wireframes. The client gave us their full design wheel but also asked for improvements.
Information Architecture (IA) is the key component of future success. In the case of Life Insurance Canada, it helped define which parts of the website required optimization.
We added functionalities to the site, enabling users to quote insurance and sign documents. Our team did a lot of API work. Xfive integrated the website with COMPULIFE, DocuSign, Infusionsoft, and G Suite.
Clear content hierarchy and a smooth quoting experience
The result is a modern, accessible, responsive website with a clear content hierarchy and a smooth quoting experience.
The clean, responsive, and high-contrast final design focuses on explaining the benefits and helps to get an insurance quote in a matter of minutes easily.
It supports the message and makes navigating the insurance options easy to understand.
Check the full process of designing Life Insurance Canada in this presentation on Behance.
Neither my business partner nor I have had a professional relationship that worked as well as ours with Xfive.
Based on a review published on Clutch.