10 Benefits You Get from Us

A man jumping over the numbers, focus on feet view.

What added value do we bring to our clients? Here are ten benefits you get from us.

1. Expert know-how

We have built expert know-how, which our clients benefit from. Let’s take a look at two examples.

Four years ago, we recognized the potential of ITCSS, scalable and maintainable CSS architecture, by Harry Roberts. We have successfully used it in our internal and commercial projects till today.

Google search result for ITCSS
Our ITCSS blog post is in first place on Google, with more than 300k pageviews to date.

Another of our blog posts, Testing Angular Faster with Jest, introduced a new way of testing Angular projects with Jest. Results? More than 200k pageviews, a link to it on the Jest website, and a configuration repository with over 750 stars on GitHub.

These and many other examples transfer to our company’s development standards and manifest through high-quality work for our clients.

2. Thorough project discovery

Our clients come to us to bring their visions to life. Our know-know and experience allow us to see potential issues along the road. We never neglect those to win the project.

We never just hope that it will turn out somehow.

Every one of our projects starts with a detailed project discovery. Our project managers and developers often spend long hours on calls with clients to work out the optimal strategy for their projects.

Such thorough discovery can ruin illusions or get into a healthy argument, but in the long run, it saves clients money.

3. Flexible cooperation models

If the discovery reveals that your project is a middle-size WordPress website with well-defined requirements, will we run it as an agile project? It sounds more like a good ol’ waterfall. To address the different needs of our clients, we have crafted different cooperation models like product development partnerships.

4. Transparent processes

The last thing you want to learn after a few months is that your project is late or over budget. While we cannot guarantee that our journey will only be straight and smooth, we guarantee full transparency of our processes. Here are a few things you can expect from us:

  • prompt communication with your project manager and developers
  • regular project updates and standups
  • complete Toggl reports with hours spent
  • optional access to your repository and project management space
  • well-documented open-source tools
Company billable hours report
An example of the summary report for hours spent in a partnership package; detailed reports are also available.

5. Top-level developers

Can you imagine picking the best developer out of a hundred freelancers? How much time would it take to assess their skills and reliability?

Fortunately, you don’t have to. We do all the hard work for you. Our recruitment process consists of five demanding stages. Let the numbers speak for themselves. Check out the percentage of candidates who pass the individual stages.

ScreeningTest ProjectTechnical InterviewSoft-skills InterviewHired
WordPress Developers54%22%3%1%0.5%
JavaScript Developers70%38%8%6%4%

When working with us, you will only deal with senior or mid-level developers with excellent development skills, soft skills, and excellent English skills.

6. Effective project management

A good project manager is like a driver in your project. They push the gas pedal to move the project forward and turn the steering wheel to pick the right direction.

Our project managers are damned good drivers – they have a vast knowledge of effective project management techniques, whether those are agile methodologies such as SCRUM or Kanban or traditional ones like the waterfall method. Some of the certificates they own are

  • Professional Scrum Master I
  • Professional Product Owner I
  • PRINCE2® Project Management
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)®
PSM 1, PSPO 1, Project Management Institute, Prince2

7. Multi-level quality assurance

We automate more and more quality measures in our development workflows – we use code formatters and linters, functional and non-functional tests. Our developers themselves are effective quality controllers because they care about the quality of their work.

Developers who care are the best quality controllers

Eventually, our trained quality controllers check the project with fresh eyes to spot previously unnoticed issues.

8. High company ethos

There’s something special, deeply rooted in our company’s DNA, going back 15 years ago when Dave Rosen established it. It’s a culture of high-fives, which promotes a healthy work environment and relations not only among us but with our clients too.

Slack communication
High-fives are part of our Slack workspace to appreciate others and celebrate smaller or bigger achievements.

9. A partner with strong values

In 2022, we created our new mission statement:

At Xfive, we value lasting relationships with socially responsible businesses and organizations. Our mission is to help them achieve their online goals by building human-centered digital experiences. Commitment to craft and positive change in the world is at the base of everything we do. We operate globally but stay rooted in our communities.

Learn more about our mission statement and values in the post A Product Design Agency in Poland: Our Journey.

10. Peace of mind

Last but not least, having a reliable development partner is crucial so you can sleep peacefully at night.

Over the years, we’ve been through rough times at Xfive, but we managed to adapt, survive and evolve. Such experience makes us a stronger, more predictable, and more reliable partner for our clients.

Logo evolution: XHTMLized - 2005, Xfive - 2016, Xfive - 2019

If you want to evolve your business with us, drop us a line.

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