Our Hearts and Actions Are With Ukraine

Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

Xfive’s main office in Krakow, Poland, is just 260 km (160 miles) from the Ukraine border. The horrific war experience of our close neighbors moves our hearts and inspires our actions.

It is extremely painful to see the incredible drama happening in Ukraine. What you see on the TV and internet is so real. It is a brutal, unfair war, the war that changed the lives of millions of people in one day.

The scale of help needed by our Ukrainian friends is tremendous. It is hard to write what is happening on our borders nowadays. Already one million Ukrainian people have escaped to Poland and are looking for help.

And they need help immediately.

That’s why at Xfive, we are determined to offer real support. Care was always one of our fundamental values. So far, we have had an opportunity to demonstrate our care by supporting our clients on a daily basis. Today, we can show that care doesn’t have any limits and it’s not just a marketing slogan for us.

We have decided to transition our Krakow office into a temporary home for 3 families (~14 people) from Ukraine. I am so proud to inform you that it is happening already and today, the first refugees will find a safe home in our office.

Xfive office, a temporary home for UA families

We called our office a piece of Australia in Krakow. Today, we can call it a piece of Ukraine in the heart of Krakow.

Xfive office transition into a temporary home for 3 Ukraine families

That is not all. We know that a safe and warm place to live is not enough. Our incredible Xfive team and our friends have offered full support for these families.

Supplies for UA families

We will cover all necessary costs of their accommodation during their stay in the office and will help them later to start a new life in Poland.

While our office will serve a good cause in the upcoming months, it doesn’t interrupt our daily routine. We have over 16 years of experience in remote work, and the pandemic verified and strengthened our procedures in that area.

Xfive Kitchen

Through phone calls and emails, you are asking if you can help us. Actually, yes. If you wish, you can join the charity fundraising organized by us. Please find details here: https://zrzutka.pl/a6gh26.

The more funds we have, the more we can do.

Thank you all.

Real care happens today.

A temporary home for Ukraine families

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