Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year 2023

2022 was a year of contrary emotions.

Many unacceptable, tragic things happen in the world, which raises sadness and sympathy in every empathetic human being. On the other hand, these dramas inspire our actions and motivate us to help.

Yes, I am mainly referring to the war in Ukraine. It impacts all of us. It affects Xfive as well.

Our values make us who we are

It was a time when the Xfive team proved how they understand one of our key strengths “our values make us who we are.”

I am very proud of the team who, in a few days, organized funds raising for refugees and unanimously decided to convert our office into a temporary home for families from Ukraine.

Thanks to this incredible initiative, we have helped 29 people so far. 9 are still sharing the office with us.

All these circumstances did not stop us from following the business path we set at the beginning of the year.

Clutch Awards success

It was a very successful journey for Xfive that has been nicely summarized by the Annual Clutch Awards granted at the end of the year.

We are so excited as Xfive has been recognized as the #1 company in the world in the e-commerce category and #2 in web development. Finally, Xfive is #13 among the top 1000 global service providers in 2022!

Xfive Clutch 1st place in E-Commerce 2022

We made a strategic decision a few years ago to switch from a software house to an agency model. It was a massive investment, but we can now see it was worth doing.

Of course, it would not be possible without the incredible work of the entire Xfive team.

Here, I must express how grateful and proud I am of leading such a unique team of experts for ten years.

Thank you for your continued support.

To our business partners

These massive achievements would not be possible without you, dear business partners. Our common journey couldn’t start without your trust at the beginning.

And it is our best reward to see your satisfaction when our work contributes to the success of your online business.

At this time of the year, our thoughts turn gratefully to our business partners who have made our success possible.

Thank you for that.

The Xfive team sends you best wishes for the holidays and New Year.

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