Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year 2024

Merry Christmas Postcard from Xfive

As we bid farewell to 2023, it is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the past year and celebrate our achievements. For Xfive, it was a very good year indeed.

In this post, I would like to share three of the most significant accomplishments that made me proud to be part of Xfive in 2023.

Continuous growth

Despite the challenges and uncertainties that the IT industry faced in 2023, Xfive managed to achieve remarkable growth in both revenue and team size. Thanks to our offer diversification, we were able to meet the changing needs and expectations of our clients and deliver high-quality solutions.

It is not easy for a company to expand its development team by 20% during such turbulent times in the market, but we did it. This shows our resilience and adaptability as a company, as well as our commitment to excellence and innovation.

New offers

One of the reasons that helped us attract and retain more clients in 2023 was the introduction of new services in our offer. One of them is “Discovery”, a service that allows us to dive deeply into project expectations at a very early stage. Through a series of workshops with our experts in the Business Analysis field, we can understand and clarify all the requirements and then, recommend the best solutions for each project.

Another new service we added for existing products is “Care and Growth”. This is more than just maintenance. The Care part is responsible for auditing our clients’ products regularly, which enables us to suggest and implement improvements and avoid potential issues.

The Growth service helps clients to improve their product visibility and conversion rate.

New website

The new website that we launched this year is not just a cosmetic update. It is a complete overhaul, as we had to change everything to reflect the true identity of Xfive, a modern digital agency with the mission of supporting positive change in the world. We are an agency with high expertise in digital innovation that focuses on cooperation with the companies that make the world a better place to live.

Enjoy your holiday season

I am confident that in 2024 we will continue this successful journey that gives us so much satisfaction.

The same satisfaction of making things that have a positive impact is what the Xfive team wishes to all our business partners. 

Have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year.

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