Spa Weekend 2023

A group photo from the Xfive's Spa Weekend 2023

Some people thought it was just Miłosz’s idle chatter and nothing would come out of it, but apparently, our CEO is a man of his word!

That’s why when the company reached the magical number of monthly revenue, we packed our things, and off we went!

Saturday 16/09/2023

Our trip was supposed to start quite early in Energylandia, and almost everyone was on time. 😉 We couldn’t imagine better weather conditions for our rollercoaster conquest!   

The fun had already started while traveling to Zator, at least for some of us; Paweł (our dearest senior Project Manager) made sure that his passengers were well-cared; he treated his companions with a nice beverage and thematic music. For those of you who have no clue what we are dealing with, here’s a sample

After arriving at the spot, the division into separate teams was, unfortunately, quite visible. On the one hand, we had those little kids’ zone enthusiasts entertained simply by shooting games and grumbler-like attractions. 😉 On the other hand, there were thrill-seeking maniacs who didn’t hesitate to visit rides like Zadra, Hyperion, Mayan, or Abyssus. However, since we are all small children deep inside, nothing was better than a kill-or-die battle on Whirlpool Water Fight. Rolling around and stoushing each other with water cannons…, hell yeah. 

Time was marching inexorably, and we had to move on with our tight agenda! We arrived at Spa Hotel, Czarny Groń, right on time for dinner. Most of us enjoyed our meal a lot, but…. some decided to take an easy way out while filling in the menu chart and had to deal with heavy consequences. It turned out that the “Tomato soup” isn’t “Creamy with tomatoes and chickpeas soup,” and “Vegan sauce and fries” doesn’t extend to “Vegetarian burger with fresh vegetables, avocado, vegan sauce, and fries”. But don’t worry, no one left hungry, we were compassionate enough to share leftovers with the poor guys, and we had quite a laugh about it. 

A dinner at Spa Hotel, Czarny Groń.

Moving on, we headed towards the spa procedures. Massages, cleansing, masks, hot rocks, sauna, and pool… we were in the seven heavens. The hotel’s staff treated us like royalty. But it turned out that the best was yet to come. 

Massaged and relaxed, we met in the evening for a get-together in a Piekiełko bar. Miłosz gave a short (as for him) speech, and we moved back in time, watching the photo presentation from past Xfive events. And then the real party started. Our little celebration transformed into a karaoke party. 

A karaoke party at Piekiełko bar.

The repertoire was vast and diverse, from Leonard Cohen and Abba through Myslovitz or Queen, ending with the Albanian hit “Si banania” and “The Lion King” soundtrack. 

It was aaawesoome! We were unstoppable stage animals. Only the poor barman was losing his poker face every now and then, clearly not being able to hide the agony of listening to us… 

But truth be told, we indeed have some real talents among us. Paweł’s rendition of “Bohemian Rhapsody” and Mikołajs’ simultaneous English translation of Sanah’s “Szampan,” chapeau bas! 

And that would be the end of day one. 

Sunday 17/09/2023

The day’s two theme was hiking-oriented with the goal of reaching Leskowiec. So we ate breakfast, drove to a place called Jagódki-Rzyki, and started the hike. And I must admit that everyone was so brave during the walk! There was no complaining about the difficulty of the trail at all; no “Whose idea it was?!” or “Who said it was an easy hike?!”. Voices like “Oh my gosh,” “My legs hurt,” or “What am I doing here?!” not with this team, no way. 😉 The Lekowiec Peak welcomed us with beautiful views, sunny weather, and delicious cake from the shelter. Everyone forgot about the toil at once (or almost everyone).

A hike to the Lekowiec Peak

Unfortunately, as always, all good things must come to an end, and we had to say goodbye to each other, hoping to meet in such a squat again soon.

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