Xfive Service Operations During the COVID-19 Time

The coronavirus is all around us and is both a worldwide threat and phenomenon. This is a new fact of life that impacts us all. At Xfive we would like to assure you that the impact on our services will be as minimal as possible.

We are fortunate as remote work is in our DNA. We have relied on remote teams and remote operations since 2005. Due to this, we are naturally less affected (at least not as directly) by the impacts that COVID-19 is having on businesses around the world.

We are doing everything we can to limit the risk of spreading the virus among the in-office team as well.

We have implemented preventative measures immediately, including closing our Krakow office last week. Our entire team is now working remotely, which takes our work 100% online for the foreseeable future.

We will not need to change any of our operation and delivery processes as 15 years of experience working remotely have enabled us to build an organization fully independent from a physical location. We have all the tools, hardware, and processes to make our “remote office” fully operational.

Poland, Australia, Slovakia – Xfive’s remote office in action.

Most of the projects that we have delivered over the years have been built and successfully deployed entirely from locations outside of our physical office.

While these are not easy times, Xfive will continue its operations as normal.

Please, take care of yourself and each other, and let’s hope that the situation will be back to normal sooner rather than later.

On behalf of the entire Xfive team, we’re here for you and look forward to continuing to help you during this difficult time.

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