How Xfive Transformed QualSCORE with Cutting-Edge Technology and Branding

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Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

There’s an old adage that says no one gets to the top alone, and it’s just as true in business as it is in life. The partnership between Xfive and QualSCORE provides the perfect example.

By working together with the QualSCORE team to create a solid strategic plan, Xfive was able to develop cutting-edge technology and branding that effectively launched QualSCORE into the rapidly-growing and highly-competitive cannabis industry.

The Partnership – Who are the Partners?

QualSCORE is a customer feedback and market research company that helps cannabis businesses achieve success and consumers find high-quality brands, products, and services by using its innovative survey software and totally systematized solution to calculate and track quality and customer happiness.

At the heart of everything QualSCORE does is its technology, so when the time came to build the QualSCORE software, website, and brand, the company needed an experienced partner. That’s where the partnership between QualSCORE and Xfive began.

Xfive is a digital company that has been helping creatives and business firms bring their visions to life by working as an extended arm of their teams and providing the resources and expertise needed to their organizations.

Xfive helped QualSCORE jumpstart its launch by delivering a full package of branding, website development, and app design, which included a fully-functional survey app that helps enhance and legitimize the cannabis industry.

Screenshot from QualSCORE Cannabis Survey App
Example of the design for QualSCORE Cannabis Survey App

The Process – How Did We Do It?

As a new business, QualSCORE needed a complete brand identity package, including a logo, website, and a functional app – all for a reasonable price and within a specific timeframe.

To that end, QualSCORE asked Xfive for an easy-to-use application that enables consumers to submit feedback on their buying experiences and rate cannabis products, brands, and businesses.

Specifically, the application allows consumers to complete online surveys using their mobile devices and includes features so customers can provide their opinions and ratings on prices, customer service, product quality, and product availability.

With more than 10 years of experience serving startups from diverse industries, Xfive was able to rapidly define the scope of the project, propose the technologies, and pay attention to the essential functionalities that were important to making things happen.

To get the job done, Xfive adopted an agile approach and delivered a fully-functional product within the agreed timeframe using tools such as Git, Heroku, Pivotal Tracker, Basecamp, Sentry, Sendgrid, Amazon S3, and Yarn.

Xfive created QualSCORE’s new logo, business cards, and a brochure as the first step of the project. For the brand identity, Xfive used clean fonts and a green color palette characteristic of the cannabis industry with secondary colors in dark blue and grey to boost the serious character of the business.

“Providing a minimum viable product is recommended for innovative products or services, especially in markets that are developing dynamically – like the cannabis market. QualSCORE was able to leverage an advantage over competitors as an early entrant into the industry by launching a product with basic functionalities, receiving feedback from early adopters, and polishing it over time.”
Milosz Bazela, CEO, Xfive

Next, Xfive created a modern, one-page website introducing QualSCORE. The site included straight-forward answers to frequently asked questions and encouraged visitors to register and use the app.

The first generation of the QualSCORE app launched with core features: a survey system connected with receipts from transactions, reports, data analysis, scores and badges for cannabis dispensary owners, and monthly subscription programs for long-term partners.

Together, QualSCORE and Xfive are already strategizing and developing more new features for both the app and website.

The Future – What’s Next?

By supplying a complete package of branding, an app, and a website within a span of just four months, Xfive enabled QualSCORE to become the pioneer in collecting customer feedback and measuring quality across the cannabis industry.

Thanks to the partnership with Xfive, QualSCORE is growing rapidly. Integrations with leading cannabis industry point-of-sale, in-store digital display, and text message marketing technology providers are underway, and additional features and functionalities are already in the works.

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